Detail of the Albany Garage. I like how light and shadow play with the massive concrete forms.
Before I took this shot I was up on the top level of the garage shooting pictures of the adjacent buildings, when suddenly a flashing police car screeches around the corner onto the top level and stops five meters away from me. As the two guys jump out and rush towards me, I think, bugger, what now? Then they vanish down the staircase behind me without saying a word. Still taking pictures I slowly proceed towards the other end of that level and go down the staircase there. Five minutes later, another siren approaches, a police car rushes onto the ramp and vanishes into the garage with flashing lights. Whatever was going on in there must’ve been pretty intense, as another two minutes later a police motorcycle follows the two cars and squeezes through the gap at the exit bar. At this point I have enough and get on my bike, resisting the urge to accidentally wander up that other staircase.