This awesome little guy was made by Pleuni and it arrived last week. It usually takes care of my phone, so whenever you call me, you have to get past Monster first.
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Detail of a lathe at Sprout. I’ve always been fascinated by heavy machinery and this is the most massive beast Sprout has — a stark contrast to the tiny Arduinos we usually work on there.
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It was a very bright day today and it felt more like Spring than any other day this year. I hadn’t seen this many people outdoors over the past three months. Everywhere along the Charles were clusters...
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We did a little road trip today to get out of Cambridge. First we explored the beautiful Noanet Woodlands and then we went East and ended up at Farm Pond. Today there were just a few anglers, but the...
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Together with thousands of other people we cheered on the participants of the 2011 Boston Marathon. First came the amazing wheelchairs, followed by a group of very fast women and later a group of even...
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It’s been raining almost all day, but during the five minutes it stopped I went out to try out my new camera. It is quite a jump from my trusty old Olympus 5060C Wide Zoom, whose every quirk I know, to...
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It’s been raining a lot the past few days. This is another part of Massachusetts Avenue and a part that looks quite American to me.
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A Ficus benjamina is an incredible plant. I got one from Pleuni in prospect of our move to a bigger space next week. A Ficus is very sensitive to differences in light exposure, and maybe that’s why...
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Today I met these little guys. Their parents were watching them and their sibs closely but these two got away a couple of feet. After a while their guardians became a little bit more relaxed and the...
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I caught this guy hiding food for harder times. As squirrels are really good at planting trees, a friend suggested once jokingly that eating these seeds/nuts must be bad for long-term memory, otherwise...
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Yesterday was the first time I picked up the camera again after our move. Now we’re sitting between cardboard boxes and enjoy being in our new home. Thanks again and again to our heroic helpers! It...
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Boston’s Back Bay, seen from Longfellow Bridge this evening. We had a couple of stretches of really stormy weather over the last couple of days, but quite a couple of surfers and sailors seemed to...
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